The Evolution of the Lladro Christmas Bell Ornament

The Lladro brothers began crafting fine porcelain ornaments and figurines in their own home as early as 1953, beginning a tradition of artistic excellence and creativity. As their creations' popularity rose, the brothers gathered fellow skilled professional porcelain artists and painters situated in Valencia, Spain to aid in their development of timeless porcelain figures and ornaments. Below is a short history of the evolution of the Lladro Annual Bell Ornaments that have become a yearly tradition of beauty and holiday cheer.

The First Annual Lladro Bell Ornament

Lladro 1987 Christmas Bell Ornament - The First Annual Bell OrnamentThe unveiling of the Lladró annual bell ornament took place in 1987. This was the first ornament of the annual bell ornament collection by Lladro that continues to this day. The original design featured three children playing in and amongst the snow. The band at the top of the bell and the band underneath the picture were painted a delicate mauve, with the bottom band featuring the date, 1987. A satin bow enabled the collector to hang the ornament if they desired.

1987-1996 Christmas Bells

1993 Lladro Porcelain Christmas Bell OrnamentThe bell ornaments made in this time period had key similarities in their design. These ornaments consisted of three distinct areas of the bell separated by bands. The scene that changed annually were in these years consistently situated in the middle, center area of the bell, and the year was located under the scene in the bottom band. The scenes were predominately white while the top and bottom bands were painted.

1997-1999 Bell Ornaments

Lladro Porcelain 1998 Annual Christmas Bell OrnamentThe Lladro Christmas bells made in this time period extended the vertical space in which the scene was visible on the bell, allowing the scene to be larger and more prevalent. The dates on these bells were closer to the top of the bell with the scene depicted underneath as shown here with the 1998 bell ornament. The bells lower band was decreased in size. Varying details were painted in soft colors.

2000-2016 Lladro Bell Ornaments

Lladro 2016 Christmas Bell OrnamentThe bell ornaments from 2000 on, have featured the date within the enchanting scene for that year. This design move creates an extra aspect to look forward to every year. Will the date be small and above the design like the 2000 Christmas bell which featured the date in a ribbon above a cherub, or more integrated within the scene, like the 2014 bell which highlighted the date in cross stitch text among other cross stitch decorations. The 2016 Bell Christmas ornament is absolutely beautiful. The bell has "Merry Christmas" etched on the side above the year 2016. Flowers, hearts and leaves cover the entire outside of the bell ornament.


  • Barbara Mcgovern

    is there a way to get the value of each of the bells? thank you

  • Aimee Zagaja

    Are the bells still being made?

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